Seasonal Gardens
Seasonal Gardens was born from the garden here at Apple Barn. Apple Barn sits in the middle of an acre plot in the Kent countryside, surrounded by orchards with a stream on one boundary. It was originally both a store for the apples and also shelter for the bullocks that pulled the farm equipment and the soil has definitely benefitted from their past residence!
A good colour combination is Orange Cassini and the wine coloured Jan Reus
There was little by way of a garden when we moved here other than vast expanses of lawn, a raised bed, apple trees and a lot of nigella! Since then hedging has been planted to section the garden and provide shelter from the wind, formal beds laid out and edged with box at the back, long borders added at the front along with a border next to the stream.....and the addition of lots and lots of numbering over 3,000 bulbs and 40 varieties.
The planting I have done here means that there is interest from the first snowdrops in early January right through to the dahlias that are in flower until the frosts at the end of October (or beginning of November if we are lucky). The tulips are a huge feature from March until the end of May and are an invaluable addition to any garden. There are a huge number to choose from and I now hold bulb fairs in the Autumn, selling both my favourite tulips plus a smaller selection of alliums, narcissi and camassia.